Goals and demands


In a constructive spirit the campaign examines the work and public announcements of BASF and its supplier Lonmin, two transnational companies with long-term operations in commodity trade and manufacturing in South Africa. In a globalized economy, transnationally operating companies have to comply with in-ternationally acknowledged ethical standards along the whole supply chain. Plough back the fruits puts public attention and pressure on companies to implement and adhere to human rights standards.

It confronts Lonmin and BASF with the reality of mining and living in Marikana and in the Platinum Belt of South Africa and demands the immediate and sustainable improvement of living and working conditions for mine workers, their families and their communities. How is it possible that the workers who dig out one of the most precious metals in the world live and work under such inhumane conditions?


  • BASF must contribute at least 25 million Euros as an immediate relief payment to a solidarity fund benefitting the families of the killed and injured miners. This does not release the South African government and Lonmin from their responsibility to provide sustainable repa-ration for the families of the killed, injured and arrested miners.
  • BASF must contribute, on a large and tangible basis, to the improvement of the working and living conditions of mineworkers and their communities, e.g. via a fixed percentage per each purchased ounce of platinum.
  • BASF must put pressure on LONMIN to publish and implement their social and labour plans.
  • The campaign wants to underline the necessity for binding legislation on the basis of human rights and transparency of trade activities and financial transfers.

It also wants to raise public attention with regard to trade agreements currently negotiated as e.g. the Economic Partnership Agreements EPA between the EU and former colonies in Africa, Caribic and pacific countries.